Help us make CourtReserve Better!

📢 We greatly value your innovative ideas. To enhance our platform, we're temporarily pausing the idea board submissions until September. During this period, we kindly invite you to share your thoughts/ideas via our live chat or at [email protected]. This change will help us prioritize your ideas better and craft the most efficient solutions for you.

We understand this is a change in process, but we believe it's the best way forward. We'll alert you as soon as the idea board is ready for your new submissions. Your continued partnership means a lot to us, and we're excited to continue delivering the best experience possible. Thank you!

Waiting on Votes

Prevent sandwich times exluding beginning of day

Erin Anderson 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Greg Bennett 2 years ago 2
Waiting on Votes

Report Scheduler

Gabe Platt 2 years ago in Reports / Financial Reports updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1 1 duplicate

Bulk edit events

Rob Hill 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 2
Waiting on Votes

Limit reservation number by reservation type

Jon Otto 1 year ago in Settings / Configuration / Permissions updated by Brian Chan 1 year ago 2
In Review

Ability to CREATE EVENTS from admin portal on MOBILE APP

Colin Rowe 2 years ago in Mobile App updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1
Waiting on Votes

Hide custom rating to players (non-public, admin only custom rating)

Shoko Okuda 2 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Enable hiding of custom ratings to players, i.e. a toggle on/off 'is public' button for custom ratings making rating non-visible to any members, only visible to admin.

We would like to create an internal 'custom rating' as we have issues with players often not rating themselves correctly, making it difficult to group players for lessons and match play.

This needs to be not publically displayed to the players, as it will likely be different to what they would (prefer to) rate themselves.

This can also allow for different types of uses other than rating, to mark/group customers in certain ways that is easier than adding them to a group.


Add Email Field for Guests on Reservations

Justin Harrell 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Ernie Ortiz 1 year ago 2 1 duplicate

Requested by Dave Ganim at Pickle Shack - wants to have an "Email" field for guests in addition to the phone number field, and have an option to require it. 


Add a Loyalty Program with a Point tracking method for members so they can "earn" points each month.

Indoor Pickleball 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Susy Pacheco 1 year ago 2 2 duplicates

Loyalty Program-Point tracking method for members so they can "earn" points each month towards special privileges like guest passes, 24/7 access, etc.The purpose would be to build loyalty and increase participation. Similar to a hotel rewards program. 

Waiting on Votes

Add Date To POS Purchases, If Different Than Entry Date

Swing Courts 2 years ago in Point of Sale / Inventory Management updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

For courts that batch and enter all POS purchases at end of week or 2-3xs per week, it would be helpful to be able to add the date for the POS purchase so that the customer gets the exact date of their purchase on the receipt. 

Waiting on Votes

Option to maintain invoice number / improve regenerated invoices

Michael Jackson 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

I am trying to get a point where a member will receive only one invoice email from our organisation for their fees for the month – OR if this is not possible, if they have to receive an updated invoice due to a change, then we should be able to have the email contents explain that due to a change to the event, the invoice has been updated. Perhaps Have the Invoice number stay the same but add a .2, .3 for each version that is regenerated?

What has happened is our members have received multiple emails over the past few weeks as we have needed to adjust various fees or apply credits to their accounts and have received a lot of feedback that they were getting billed multiple times when really we were just resending a revised (regenerated) invoice. Looking to cut down on the confusion. 


Add the "red dot" reminder that something requires attention to the refunds tab on the left nav bar

Alex Miler 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by President Lindeis 2 years ago 3

Add the "red dot" reminder that something requires attention to the refunds tab on the left nav bar. It would ideally show on TRANSACTIONS and then on REFUNDS as well so it could be seen without having to expand the TRANSACTIONS tab.  This red dot would be similar to the "To do" notification red dot. 

Waiting on Votes

Ability to direct member payments to different sources (e.g. club vs pro vs somewhere else)

CRBooking Support 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Currently all fees (membership dues, guest fees, etc.) all go to a single source for the club.  We would love to be able to set up multiple sources so that different types of fees can be directed to different accounts.

Waiting on Votes

Event registration END date - allow specific date rather than counting backwards

Julie Maiorano 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 2 2 duplicates

When setting an event "registration ends before..." please make it possible to just enter a specific date. All of our 19 league teams have the same registration end date, but different start dates. Counting backwards is time consuming and invites errors


Mass reassign of people to a different Membership Type

CRBooking Support 2 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated 1 year ago 3

Would be great if we could generate a list of people via report or however and be able to assign all these people to a new membership type.


Build audit log of System User changes

Monica Heffner 2 years ago in Audit Log updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Currently, there is no way to monitor changes made to System Users (e.g. Instructors).  We would like to be able to run an audit report that identifies these changes.

Waiting on Votes

Prevent sub-admins from creating reservations/event registrations for expired members

Nic Janga 3 years ago in Settings / Configuration / Permissions updated by Vinnie Barros 2 years ago 2 2 duplicates

Would be nice to have a permission around reserving courts and events for members that are expired, right now, while the member name will show in red, it will still allow all sub-admins to save that registration or reservation.


Allow for EMAIL OVERRIDE when creating new member OR allow OTHER ADULT to not have email requirement

Beverly Raelson 3 years ago in Settings / Configuration / Permissions updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 2

The email requirement for new members has become a big hassle. 

If I have email required unchecked in the settings then my staff (and online users) accidently create multiple profiles for the same person. When multiple profiles occur for the same person it becomes a mess. One profile will have the credit card on file, the other won't. One will have the membership assigned to it, the other won't. And so forth. 

If email IS required to create add a member, then people who share the same email address cannot be added to the system. 

Solution: allow the OTHER ADULT option when adding someone to a family to be the same as a CHILD, wherein no email is required 


Allow for an override when adding a member and an email address is not possible.

Waiting on Votes

More control to the memberships page on the member portal

Nic Janga 3 years ago in Memberships updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

For clubs that do have memberships it will be nice to control memberships page more then what is currently presented. 

Like a way to have a hero section on the top, and eventually some other text sections on that same page would be super helpful, sop we can make this page nicer and promote our memberships more. 


Allow individual control to publish email and/or phone to public member groups

Admin DTC 3 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Mark Bland 2 years ago 2

We would _love_ to publish a member directory accessible to our members, but there are a few issues we consider big blockers:
- there is currently one flag "Exclude Account Information From Public Groups" which allows a member to allow or not allow their phone number and email to be published. In talking to our members, and from the use of our previous software, which had finer grained control, we know that some people want to publish only their email, some want to publish only their phone, and some want both. Please change the one existing flag to two flags, allowing individual control.
- the description of this field, "Exclude Account Information From Public Groups" is not great. If a member in the system is looking at their profile, they might not not realize that this is related to a member directory, and if they see the word "public" they might think that anybody in the public can see the info, vs just other members. So I think it could be worded better, and perhaps also have a popup info field which goes into more detail.

Waiting on Votes

Expanded Scheduler...Month / Week view!

Swing Courts 3 years ago in Schedulers updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

In the expanded scheduler...we can currently see 1/3 to 2/3 view of one day, using normal 100% zoom in the browser.  

Even if we move to 75% zoom in the browser it doesnt show the full day.  

We would love to have...

1) zoom toggle in the app to show whole day / more dates per screen but more importantly.....

2) view toggle in the app to show day / week / month for the expanded scheduler! 

Waiting on Votes

Be able to save filter in calendar

Deborah Whitley 1 year ago in Schedulers updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Member has asked for the ability to save their "filter" on the calendar in the app.  If they choose "weekly", then it would come up "weekly" each time the calendar is accessed.


Basic Calendar Functionality

Doug Smook 1 year ago in Schedulers updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Any chance of adding a basic Calendar function for non-court type events? Our club would like to post all of our member meetings, happy hours, social events, etc on a calendar with location, time and note field.  Thank you.

Waiting on Votes

Set specific date for when guests can be registered for events

Andrea Acker 1 year ago in Events / Programming updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

For events, have an option to set a specific date that guests can be registered so that members have first priority.  Similar to the event registration where you can set different dates/times that membership categories can register. 

For example, space is limited to only 50 registrants.  Allow members to register up to a certain date, and then at that point they can register their guests if space is still available.  

You can manually do this, but would be great to not have to manually do it each week for reoccurring events.  

Waiting on Votes

Automatically renew a Package

Keith Walter 1 year ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Members may wish to have a package renewed each month or quarter or year. Each Package has to be sold and added to a membership. 


POS Merchandise Discounts by Membership type

We have members and member pricing for merchandise that we sell, and if you're a member of a certain type i.e. Deluxe you get 20% off but only if a member.  I can't find how to link discounts on merchandise to membership types?