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Waiting on Votes

Automatic Batch Billing

Ricardo Callado 3 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Chadwick Campbell 2 years ago 6
Waiting on Votes

Booking restrictions that only include reservations made by the member

Kate Holzhuter 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Louis Patitucci 1 year ago 3
Waiting on Votes

Integration with Email Marketing Platform (e.g. Mailchimp)

Chadwick Campbell 3 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Richard Tschetter 1 year ago 4

Schedules/Sessions inside of an Event

Tim Owens 4 years ago in Events / Programming updated 4 years ago 3 3 duplicates

Promo Codes

Ryan Trefry 3 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Elisha Herrmann 1 year ago 3 1 duplicate


Private Member Groups

Mike King 3 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Club Admin2 2 years ago 2

Have a setting on Member Groups to only be visible on the Member Portal to members within the member group

Waiting on Votes

A "CAPTCHA" option when booking courts

Alastair Millar 3 years ago in Reservations updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

Call me crazy but we suspect that some members of our club, who work in IT have developed a simple software which allows them to quickly reserve courts at the moment they become availible (we suspect this based on the speed in which courts are being reserved and at the frequency of the courts being reserved by certain members ((less then 4 seconds)). Having a simple option to enable a "human" test would resolve this potential issue. However, I understand this is not a concern for most clubs! 

PS- this is actually a big issue with our governing body and tournament sign up as well, crazy stuff.


Billing Occurring Even Though a Member Cancels Their Membership

Annette Moore 3 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

We set our Membership Dues Notification to be 7 days, thinking the member would get an email 7 days prior to the due date, so if they cancelled their membership, or changed it, they would not be charged on their due date. However, Justin indicated that CR has set its Membership Dues Notification date to be simultaneously the same as the Billing Cycle getting generated. As such, if someone cancels their membership, it is still going to show a balance due, and an Administrator has to go in and manually cancel the membership dues. We would prefer, that the Billing Cycle not be tied to the Membership Dues Notification. The Billing Cycle should stay as the next due date, so if a member goes in and cancels their membership within that 7 day email notification timeframe, they will not be charged for that upcoming billing cycle. This would remove the need to have to manually void that transaction. 


Put the name of a saved report at the top of the report

CRBooking Support 3 years ago in Reports updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

Not sure if this is feasible, but when a saved report is loaded and run, would it be possible to show the name of the saved report at the top, so that when we have multiple tabs open with report results, we can tell them apart?


Add ability to show a custom member field on the scheduler and have a icon to depict it exists. Example (Locker #)

Emil Kamel 3 years ago in Schedulers updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

This would be a great feature for our front desk staff to quickly look up custom member information right from the scheduler.