Help us make CourtReserve Better!

📢 We greatly value your innovative ideas. To enhance our platform, we're temporarily pausing the idea board submissions until September. During this period, we kindly invite you to share your thoughts/ideas via our live chat or at [email protected]. This change will help us prioritize your ideas better and craft the most efficient solutions for you.

We understand this is a change in process, but we believe it's the best way forward. We'll alert you as soon as the idea board is ready for your new submissions. Your continued partnership means a lot to us, and we're excited to continue delivering the best experience possible. Thank you!

Waiting on Votes

Allow members to register for an event when they check in on a kiosk

Joe Baumann 2 years ago in Check-In / Attendance Tracker updated by QCPH Admin 2 years ago 4
Waiting on Votes

student report cards

Debra Russell 2 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 4 1 duplicate
Waiting on Votes

Member's group creation based on custom fields

Alex Miler 2 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Sonia Marcoux 1 year ago 3

Instructor Calendar (day by day versus full week/month)

Annette Moore 3 years ago in Instructors / Book a Pro updated by Lori DAntonio 2 years ago 6
Waiting on Votes

Allow Players to check into their court on their own - With no staff on site

Bethany Owens 2 years ago in Check-In / Attendance Tracker updated by John D Cole 10 months ago 2

Waiting on Votes

Allow Player WITHDRAWALS without cancelling a Reservation.

Christy Howden 3 years ago in Reservations updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

FYI--found a little glitch - if a court reservation is set-up as split the costs and one player wants to pull out of the group via the player side they delete the entire reservation for all of the players not just themselves.

Waiting on Votes

Stripe data export

Rick Leach 3 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 5

Please consider adding "revenue category" to the Stripe data export. 


Mandatory Player/Instructor Field

Mackenzie Lucius 3 years ago in Reservations updated 3 years ago 3

It would be nice to have a user/system ability created that made the SEARCH FOR PLAYER(S) required. Similar note, requiring an INSTRUCTORS, too. 

Image 58

Waiting on Votes

Allow <script></script> tags in html pages so a print button could be implemented.

David Loendorf 3 years ago in Website Builder updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

We have a set of tutorials for new members showing how to use our implementation. It would be nice if a print version could be made. I can add the Print button, but the <script></script> tags and functions are removed.


Ability to forward a previously sent email to more people

CRBooking Support 3 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated 1 year ago 3

Would like to be able to send a test email to myself to check out the formatting on various devices and once satisfied, be able to forward that email to the intended recipients without requiring to lay out all the content and setting all the subject line/sender fields again.  This would also allow us to send the same email to anyone we accidentally missed the first time.

Waiting on Votes

Dynamic pricing visible for events

Deborah Symons 3 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 2

Allow non-members to see a price range for events.  We have parent/guardian (non-member) accounts so parents can register their children for JR Programs.  The cost of the program varies depending on the membership type for the child.  Right now I can only list 1 price for the parent to see, but it may not be accurate to their child's membership type.  I would like to be able to list a range of pricing so the parent has an idea of about how much the program will cost when they are searching through the options.

Waiting on Votes

Notification to members who expire after X days

Club Admin2 3 years ago in Memberships updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 2

The system should send a notification to members who have a membership plan that "Expires After X Days".

We should be able to configure the number of days before the expiration that the notification is sent, and ideally the member should be informed when they try to login to the members portal, or use the mobile app, that their membership is now inactive (this does display when they try to make a booking but not before). The format and content of this notification email should be configurable like the other notifications.

Waiting on Votes

Allow member of high-tier membership to give discount if playing with member of low-tier membership

Ricardo Callado 3 years ago in Reservations updated 2 years ago 6

For example:

  • Lower-tier membership pay  $15 per session.
  • High-tier membership allows member to add guests to their reservations for $8.
  • If a high-tier member add a lower-tier member to their reservation, the lower-tier gets charge $15.
  • I would like to have the option for the lower-tier member to pay $8, instead of $15 when playing with a high-tier member.
Waiting on Votes

Print Receipt Selection POS

In all of my testing, I cannot get the print image screen for a printer receipt to close.  It just maintains the print image.  Specifically on touch devices like phones and tablets.  When opting for no receipt, the dialog box closes.  Source code does not indicate a close command.  Multiple folks in CR Support has indicated there is no fix except on PC's with keyboards.  To efficiently use the mobile POS with receipts, a fix is needed.  We have migrated to touch devices. Thank you.


Ability to specify individual fees to invoice

Jackie Byerley 1 year ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

We need to use CourtReserve to invoice various schools / orgs ("Members") for different events and Court Times. The way those orgs operate is that they need a specific invoice sent for a single fee. Right now, I don't have a good way to filter for just one fee to invoice - filtering by GL Code or Thru date doesn't work, our GL Codes are set in stone for us and we are not able to change them. 

So we need to be able to hand pick specific fees on an invoice that might share the same GL code, but go out as two separate invoices WITHOUT one voiding the other and combining them together. 

Waiting on Votes

Full Event Registration Revenue Reporting across All Dates

Monica Heffner 1 year ago in Events / Programming updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

With full event registration, all the revenue for the event is reported on the first date of the event. The revenue in the Transactions-Sales Summary Report is not spread across the dates as it is for drop-in prices, and only lists the full event price for the first week of the event.  We want to show the per-session (unit price) cost on all weeks in the full event session.  Example: full event is $234 and discounted unit price is $26 for 9 weeks (regularly $28).


Expedite stringing check in

when receiving a restring request and we load the member's name or member number....can the system preload the last string type and tension for that particular member?  It will be quicker to check it in and the desk will sound more knowledgeable.


POS Tab Builder

Swing Admin 1 year ago in Point of Sale / Inventory Management updated by Jeff Hagy 5 months ago 2

Our POS is used for our proshop but also our lounge & cafe (beverages & snacks).   We often have tournaments / events lasting the entire weekend.  Would be amazing to be able to set up "tabs' for players to build / add POS purchases over an evening or weekend so that the tab could be settled at end of the event / weekend.  My suggestion is, allow a cart to be named & saved, then recalled to cash out! :) 

Waiting on Votes

Allow lessons and packages to be purchased without a membership.

Josh Sommers 1 year ago in Memberships updated by Susy Pacheco 1 year ago 2

As a customer, I'd like to be able to purchase a punch pass or lesson from an organization without having to be assigned a membership.

As a customer, I'd like to be able to get access to a facility based on the purchase of a punch pass

As an admin, I'd like to be able to sell punch passes to customers who aren't ready to purchase a full membership

As an admin, I'd like to sell lessons to non-members

As an admin, I'd like to see active punch pass holders as well as in-active punch pass holders (once a punch pass is consumed)

As an admin, I'd like to grant access to the facility after the punch pass had been purchased (notification will work of the pass being purchased while we don't have a complete physical access integration)

As an admin, I'd like to restrict access to the facility after the punch pass had been consumed (notification will work of the pass being completely used at time of final reservation had been completed while we don't have a complete physical access integration)


Costs of Goods report for Point of Sale

Alice Kang 1 year ago in Reports / Financial Reports updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

We would like to be able to have a report that can be run for Sales over a given time period that factors Unit Cost into the report. Currently only the Inventory Valuation does this, but it is not a report that can show sales over a given time period. 

A being able to see Unit Cost subtracted out of the Gross Sales on another POS report such as Item Sales would be helpful. 

In Review

Admins Being Able to Add to Membership Waitlist

Sharon Voelzke 1 year ago in Memberships updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1


A couple of important adds that would be lifesavers for us with respect to Membership Waitlist:

1) Allow Admins to Add People to a Membership Waitlist (even if waitlist not turned on to the public) We are maintaining an off system list to track the people requesting to be added to the Waitlist because we are actively selling memberships to a finite list of players (so the waitlist functionality is not showing or in the menu). We needed to be able to offer a variety of memberships to the people on the Waitlist (not just the one they were waitlisted for) so we had to administer a fully manual process. Being able to edit the date they joined the waitlist would be helpful as well. Human error has required us to manually remember when people were accidentally not added but should have been. 

2) Combine Membership Waitlists w/ a Drop down- so you can easily add/delete people from one or more lists if they chose a different membership.

3) Consider Prompting the User- Do you want to delete this member from the membership waitlist? If they have bought a new membership since joining a WAITLIST. We are manually deleting people who are on the Membership Waitlist A and Membership Waitlist B who bought Membership C.



Lock member information after registration

John Hagen 1 year ago in Memberships updated by Jeannette Loakman 1 year ago 2

When a registered/approved member pulls up their profile, they are able to edit every field, including their phone number.  Our physical access to courts is controlled by the member's cellphone.  We vet the phones before granting membership, by confirming the phone number belongs to that member.   If the member is able to change their phone number in CourtReserve whenever they want, they are able to reserve courts for other, non-members (= aRemoteLock code goes to a non-member's phone).  People are doing this as a "side business" and charging their "customers".  Checking "Do Not Allow Edits for Family Members" prevents the Primary from changing any of those phone numbers.  But each family member (and the Primary) can still log in and change their phone number from their "Personal Information" screen.  The ask here is to disallow edits to profile fields - at least the phone number field. If the member needs to legitimately change their phone number, they'll have to contact the court coordinator and have that new phone number vetted the same.

Waiting on Votes

Select which member types each member type can add to their reservation

Lucas Heilman 1 year ago in Reservations updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Or, add an option "searchable/selectable to add to reservations" for a membership type, which can be disabled. Then, those accounts with that membership type wouldn't show up under "additional players"


Allow packages (punch cards) to be debited when checking in at kiosk for unscheduled drop in play.

QCPH Admin 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Doug Sigmon (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

I understand that CR offers 'packages' that can function like prepaid punch cards. This is absolutely something we want to implement. What's blocking us is there doesn't appear to be a simple way to debit the prepaid package balance when a player walks in to play on open courts (unscheduled drop in play).  

My feature request is that we are able to setup a check-in kiosk with a scanner so that when a member scans their QR code it will debit one 'punch' from their balance.  Similarly if a player has an unlimited monthly pass, it should show a message and play a chime indicating they have access.  

If the player does not have a valid unlimited pass or their package balance is depleted, the kiosk should indicate that an alternate form of payment is required.

Maybe this would be a good fit for the attendance tracker feature? The option to debit a punch from their package when they "scan-in".

Note, this could be similar to an existing feature request, but I don't necessarily want the burden of having a 'dummy' event created: 

Allow members to register for an event when they check in on a kiosk


Sell "Packages" only to specific membership types

Chris Lanzone 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Doug Sigmon (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

I like the new "Packages" module! However, I noticed that there is no way to limit the sale of packages to certain membership types. We could really use this as we wish to ONLY sell packages to certain membership types. Please consider allowing us to select membership types allowed when we configure the Packages module.

Up Next

Ability to add payment notes.

Heather Harns 2 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

The ability to go back in after a payment has been posted and add notes. For example, our Tennis Pro enters check payments for lessons but forgets to add the check number. It would be nice for office admin to be able to go back into the payment and attach the check number to the payment for bookkeeping purposes. Some other payment forms could benefit from this as well. 


Ability to customize error messages when booking

Chris Dashford 2 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Lauren Casciano 1 year ago 2

The Idea would be to allow admins to change the wording on the error messages users get when they don't have the ability to join an event or book a certain court.

The current "no family member applies" text is much too vague and it would be great to be able to be more specific with clients.

Up Next

Ability for admin to add a POS purchase to reservation or event payment in progress

Swing Courts 2 years ago in Point of Sale / Inventory Management updated by Swing Admin 1 year ago 3

Add a hot button "add POS item" which would allow the admin to process a POS purchase as add on to a court / event / reservation payment.  Members are complaining that they see double the amount of charges on their cc statement if they play, and then have a beverage / food item / pro shop purchase on same day as play.