Help us make CourtReserve Better!

📢 We greatly value your innovative ideas. To enhance our platform, we're temporarily pausing the idea board submissions until September. During this period, we kindly invite you to share your thoughts/ideas via our live chat or at [email protected]. This change will help us prioritize your ideas better and craft the most efficient solutions for you.

We understand this is a change in process, but we believe it's the best way forward. We'll alert you as soon as the idea board is ready for your new submissions. Your continued partnership means a lot to us, and we're excited to continue delivering the best experience possible. Thank you!

Waiting on Votes

Ability to split payment/sign ups in events like you do in reserations.

Bruce Mazzoni 3 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tara Callaghan 2 years ago 2
Waiting on Votes

Kiosk - Use camera on kiosk to scan

Brian Montgomery 3 years ago in Check-In / Attendance Tracker updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

Chat Functionality with other Players/Pros within the Mobile App

Club Admin2 3 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by MLCA Atlanta 1 year ago 2 1 duplicate
Waiting on Votes

Field titles : Event Titles

Event categories allows emojis or cut/past image but event titles does not allow it which then can't be seen on the calendar itself.  Can you fix event Name to show up on calendar to work same as event category title

Waiting on Votes

Player Directory Font Size on Website

Ben Hager 2 years ago in Website Builder updated by Wendy Vainer 5 months ago 2

It would be nice to have some basic controls of font size for the website. Specifically for the Player Directory where the font size is very very small by default. Many of the people using our system are older and have complained about the font sizes overall.


Collect Payment For Players Auto Added To An Event From The Waitlist For An Event

Allan Haseley 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Doug Sigmon (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

We do not allow ANY player to register for an Event without paying online first. However, if they are Auto Added from a Waitlist, they are added to a roster without having to pay. If they have a Credit on their account, CR will pay for their Event when they are Auto Added, BUT CR will not charge their credit card automatically, even if they have an active Payment Profile on file and the Event is set to require pre-payment. Our staff has to constantly check all Rosters for all Events to click PAY to process their payments.  


Ability to Prevent Purchase of Individual Memberships when on an Active Family Membership

Kevin Woo 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Doug Sigmon (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Our club is having issues with people selecting individual memberships that are "trumping" the rights of Family Memberships. We would ideally like to have a setting that prevents players from selecting individual memberships on the member portal if they already have a Family Membership assigned. 

Will work if it's a global setting (restricts all individual memberships) or if we can pick which ones to restrict that is good. 

Waiting on Votes

Allow member address to be displayed in the member directory.

Allow for a setting to include member address in the member directory.

In Review

Add dollar value to custom field on registration.

William Kohlenberg 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Add a dollar value to a custom field on registration for an event to make the pricing dynamic...This allows up sales, registering multiple people for events that don't need names.

Waiting on Votes

Colored headers

Jodi Schaufus 2 years ago in Reports / Reservation Report updated by Caroline Wheelen 1 year ago 2

To have the ability to grey scale or color the headers for courts to help distinguish between tennis, pickleball or spin more easily.

Up Next

Option to completely disable showing Events or showing Reservation on Court Utilization Report

John Sullivan 2 years ago in Reports / Court Utilization updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Right now there does not seem to be a way to keep the Court Utilization report from completely showing Reservations (or Events) because if left blank it defaults to "ALL". We'd like a option to completely disable either of those categories on that report. 


Search and register for events by Chronological Order in the EVENTS section

Beverly Raelson 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 2

"When's the next available.......?" is one of the most common questions we get asked about our clinics.  The only way to quickly view ALL available dates/times for an event that may be offered at multiple times during the week is to select EVENTS under the RESERVATION section of the menu. 

It is counterintuitive to search for events under reservations section because they mean completely different things. In CR, "reservations" applies to court reservations and "events" applies to everything else (and people are called "registrants" in events, i.e. they don't have a "reservation" for that event). Yet this is the only way efficiently view all available dates/times. A way to search, view, and register for events in chronological order under the EVENTS menu would be highly beneficial and logical.

The other fix to this would be to implement changes to the LIST function under the Events menu whereby ALL dates are visible (not just the 1st date available).  While we can search for specific events, we cannot easily view all available times and dates for events with the same title.  Each event must be selected.  E.g. I can only view all Saturday, Pickleball 101 at one time as opposed to being able to see ALL Pickleball 101 (for all days of the week) and results in lots of clicking around and scrolling. 

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Showing Registrants

Annette Moore 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 2

When I create a new event, I have some events whereby we do NOT allow online registration. One of our sub admin people add the players to these events from a member list that we created. What the problem is, that if I don't click the "Allow Online Registrations" it won't permit any of those who get added by the sub admin person to be shown as a registrant. It appears that the "Show Registrants" is not able to be click without the "Allow Online Registrations" to also be clicked first. I understand there is not a way to show registrants, unless the Allow Online Registrations is checked? Can you please allow this?

Waiting on Votes

Allow a full unfiltered calendar to be visible forall courts.

Brian Stocks 2 years ago in Schedulers updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

This would not be for any reservations, just observation as to who is playing where.

Waiting on Votes

guest booking automatically change to member pricing on membership purchase

Dave Velardo 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Courtney Jenkins 1 year ago 2

a player initially books a court as a guest (7 days in advanced), then a few days after booking, she purchases a membership, but when she shows up for her play, she is charged the guest fees even though she has purchased a membership.

So, the idea is that once a guest purchases a membership, any outstanding bookings are automatically updated with the correct fees.

Waiting on Votes

Ability to Sub-Divide Events / create openings in the middle of events.

Pradeepan Gunabalasingam 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Right now, we run events such as tournaments, round robins where a match might get cancelled in the middle, leaving the court open for 60-90min. We would like to be able allow people to reserve the court again during that time on that court (without having to create two different events / court blocks / move the event end time)

Waiting on Votes

Ability to specify Court Restrictions based on Family Role

Pradeepan Gunabalasingam 2 years ago in Settings / Configuration / Permissions updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1
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Ability to specify the color of "Reserved" blocks on Schedulers

Matthew Henderson 2 years ago in Website Builder updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1
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Ability to track which admin sends mass emails

Toni Bousquet 2 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

We want to be able to see which admin / sub-admin sent an email or bulk SMS text to our members, preferably underneath the view email history screen. 

Waiting on Votes

changing cost of court fees for outstanding books after a player joins as a member

Dave Velardo 2 years ago in Reservations updated 1 year ago 2

it looks like, currently, if on Monday a player books a court for Saturday and pays the guest rate, and then they join the club on Wednesday, their court fees for Saturday aren't automatically adjusted (when they should be because at the time that they play, Sunday, they are a member).

Waiting on Votes

Allow a person to be assigned more than one Instructor Type.

Sandy Minturn 2 years ago in Instructors updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Under System Users and then Instructors, it only allows you to choose one Instructor Type. Is there a way we can get it where you can add more than one Instructor Type for a certain person? We have some Teaching Pros that also do Personal Training, so they can have both Teaching Pro & Personal Trainer listed under Instructor Type. This will help them in planning out their schedules. We a not allowing members to book personal trainers through Court Reserve, it is just for scheduling purposes.

Waiting on Votes

instructors can book lessons outside reservation times

Ken Klein 2 years ago in Instructors updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Most clubs are closed on Mondays, but pros teach overflow lessons on Monday when clubhouse is closed.  We don't want reservations for courts on Mondays, but want the instructors to have the ability to schedule lessons. 

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Referral Bounty Program

Mike King 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

We grow our membership as many ways as we can, and one way is by our Referral Program.

When a member is referred by an existing member, and has paid the bill, we give 20% of the membership to the referring member.

Currently we track this with a custom field on the signup form.

This has the following issues:

  • No easy way to report on this.  I have to export the entire membership.  Filter for referrals, and then further filter by families, since every member of the family show's up as "referred"
  • No integrated way to apply the credit, I have to do a manual transaction.
  • New Members have trouble spelling the referred member's name

This could be improved with the following changes:

  • Checkbox for "being referred" which opens a member search
  • A direct report on "Referred Members"

Optionally, you could directly apply the credit to the referred member's account, but I would recommend some kind of approval on this.  People would try to game the system, and other people have no idea what the field is for and write random names in.

Waiting on Votes

Sales Transaction Summaries - reservation date to/from work with multiple session activities

Deborah Symons 2 years ago in Reports / Financial Reports updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Our Jr program runs in 12 wk sessions.  Currently, even when I set the reservation date to/from to a specific month it gives me all the revenue for the entire 12 week session.  I need to calculate deferred revenue so I need the report to be able to run based upon reservation date for long session just like it does for single activities.