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We want to hear from you! Your ideas and feedback drive the continuous improvement of CourtReserve. Submit your ideas here and vote on your favorites to help shape our platform's future. Our product team reviews the idea board and updates our roadmap every 90 days, so your suggestions can directly impact upcoming features. 

Thank you for being an essential part of the CourtReserve community!

Waiting on Votes

Automatic Batch Billing

Ricardo Callado 3 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Chadwick Campbell 2 years ago 6
Waiting on Votes

Booking restrictions that only include reservations made by the member

Kate Holzhuter 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Louis Patitucci 1 year ago 3
Waiting on Votes

Integration with Email Marketing Platform (e.g. Mailchimp)

Chadwick Campbell 3 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Richard Tschetter 1 year ago 4

Schedules/Sessions inside of an Event

Tim Owens 4 years ago in Events / Programming updated 4 years ago 3 3 duplicates

Promo Codes

Ryan Trefry 3 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Elisha Herrmann 1 year ago 3 1 duplicate

Waiting on Votes

Allow for Integrations with MailChimp, Zapier, or Webhooks.

Gene DeVito 2 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Tyler Steingard 1 hour ago 3

Allow CourtReserve to be tied to MailChip, Zapier or Webhooks. 

Waiting on Votes

Daily Notes when Admin Logged in

Beverly Raelson 3 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Monique Crete 1 month ago 3

Often times there are attention items that staff for the day need to be aware specifically for that day. It could be something about a specific reservation or maybe a member needs to update their CC on file. The expanded scheduler view can get crowded with notes or the note is not specific to a reservation or event. If there was a Daily Notes section for in house items that need attention at the top of the screen (or maybe an icon to hover over so as to not take up room) that would be very helpful!

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Waiting on Votes

Kiosk - Use camera on kiosk to scan

Brian Montgomery 3 years ago in Check-In / Attendance Tracker updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

Instead of having to get a separate scanner for our kiosk, allow us to use the camera on the kiosk to scan instead! 


Better way to track email bounces and spam reports for emails that we send to players

Nic Janga 3 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Tim Owens 2 weeks ago 4

Since notifications are so important part of making sure that players are aware of what is going on at the club, and when they have certain events and registrations, it would be nice to have a way to see when an emails is sent for real, as we have many people usually complaining because of not receiving an email, it usually means 2 things: they got added to a bounces list or they previously marked our emails as spam, so it will be nice to see this information inside CourtReserve. 


Chat Functionality with other Players/Pros within the Mobile App

Club Admin2 3 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by MLCA Atlanta 2 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Allow members to send messages to each other from the CourtReserve app by proxy, so that they do not have to reveal their email address. It would be ideal if the reply was also by proxy. This is for those who opt-out of the public player directory, but still want to contact other players.

Waiting on Votes

require payment for split fees

Drew broderick 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Michael Glover 1 year ago 2

If players split fees require a payment before the reservation is confirmed

Waiting on Votes

Is there a way to add tips to the POS system?

Kathie Patterson 2 years ago in Point of Sale / Inventory Management updated by Mike Dahl 3 months ago 5

We serve food and drinks at our facility and we need a way for the customer to add a tip to their bill.  Also, there are times that instructors are given tips but there is no way to add those either.

Waiting on Votes

Set # of participants for an event waitlist

Deborah Symons 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Paula Cartwright 1 year ago 3

Can you allow us to cap our waitlists at X participants?  


Waiting on Votes

Setting to completely disable auto-refunds in the system

Debra Russell 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

We need to be able to prevent any refunds from being automatically issued in the system due to reservation updates / event rescheduling and anything else that triggers an automatic refunds, especially to Credit Card (which happens when we disable Balance Refunds from CC transactions). We would like all refunds that currently are auto-refunded to instead go through the Pending Refunds tab. 


Filter events by age

Beata Waldek 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Right now events can be filtered by Categories, Dates, Day of the week, Time of the day, Events types. But if someone is looking for events for a certain age (for example, 6-year-old kids) they have no way of doing that. Can this be added?

Waiting on Votes

Allow Ball Machine Fees to be taxable, but Court Fees non-taxable

Debra Russell 3 years ago in Reservations updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

We would like the ability to be able to allow members to toggle booking a ball machine on existing reservation types and to have that ball machine fee go into its own Revenue Category that is taxable. Our Court Fees are not taxable so there is no way to split this revenue right now. 

Waiting on Votes

Allow Members to Pay for Other Member's Court Fees (on split costs)

Christopher Hudak 3 years ago in Reservations updated by Jenny Deaton 2 years ago 3

We would like a member to be able to pay some or all of the court fees for other members on the booking AND still need to use the Calculate Cost by Player. We would really benefit from this. 

Waiting on Votes

Notes tab under accounts to change different colors when things have been added

Barb Schehl 3 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

The "Notes" tab under Member's accounts to CHANGE to different colors such as (red) when notes are added. That way if the Notes tab is in red, for example then this flags the front desk to check the tab for further details on the member that were added. 


Use consistent formatting in all the reports.

Janet Showers 3 years ago in Reports updated by Frank Gabriele 2 years ago 3 1 duplicate

When you use different formats, as you do, it is not easy to match up information in one report with another report.  For example, use separate columns for start date/time and end date time (some reports used one column 'date start/time - end/time).  In excel format the columns as Date/Time so they can be sorted in date/time order (now, some columns sort as text and some as date time. when sorted as text 10am comes before 2 am and month 10 comes before month 5).  Also some of the date/time columns start with a leading " " space and will not match with the date in another report which doesn't start with a leading " ".

Another example is that in some reports "name' is one column and in others 2 columns ("first name", "last name").  The lack of consistency requires be to do a lot of reformating before I can process and summarize the data.

Waiting on Votes

Events - Restrict to so many of male and female

Ashley Owens 3 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Danny McDowell 6 months ago 3

So when having a mixed doubles event it would be helpful to be able to restrict to the first (numbered) so many males and females and then when assigning to the court be able to see this so you can pair up teams.  This idea was requested by La Jolla - Conan

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Waiting on Votes

Delayed Email Delivery option for Emailing Members

Brian Quiban 3 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

The ability to schedule emails and delay delivery to a later time would be extremely helpful in trying to make workflow more efficient and give someone the ability to conduct communications at off hourse. 

Waiting on Votes

Sub Admin Privilege's Should Be Event Type Specific

Annette Moore 3 years ago in Settings / Configuration / Permissions updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 2

ALL sub-admins can create any Event Type. This is problematic. Each sub admin's privilege's should be Event Type specific, similar to how Instructor's Lesson Types are.  Not all Instructors do each type of Lessons. As we have a number of Event sub admins, not all Event sub admins should be able to create all Event Types.  We should be able to have each sub admin only create the Event Types we want them to create. 


Ability to view the number of FREE Events and Reservations used for a specific date range for a customer.

Allan Haseley 2 years ago in Reports / Event Reports updated by Kim Lehman (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3 1 duplicate

The new DISCOUNTS feature for Events and Reservations has allowed us to offer more benefits to our membership programs.

The main feature we now offer for our two main membership types is a certain number of FREE Events per month. Of course the main question we are getting now is “How many more Free sessions do I have left this month.”

We currently tell customers to go their Member Portal and click on My Events and click on PAST Events and put in the current month date range and then sort by Cost and count the number of $0.00. Then click on UPCOMING Events and sort by Cost and then look for any Event in the current month (since the UPCOMING Events Tab you cannot enter a date range).

We can do the same thing for the customer on the Admin side, but still have to sort through the PAST and UPCOMING Events separately and manually count the $0.00 Cost Events.

Our request is to add a new TAB to the Member Portal and Admin side (in addition to UPCOMING and PAST), maybe called HISTORY (or allow option on PAST to display PAST and UPCOMING together) and add in a FILTER for customer to Search By DATE and search by a COST range and possibly total the number of Events the report finds. This would allow all customers (and admin) to use this report to not only find out how many FREE sessions they have registered for, but also search for any Events and Cost range.

The other option would be to add a Tab called FREE and have the customer enter a Date Range and have the system display a simple chart of the number of FREE Sessions and Reservations used for that date range. Very similar to the chart for Number of Packages Used and Remaining.


Pickleball Charlotte


Add MEMBER GROUP as an option to filter on Post Fees / Post Recurring Fees

Nim Mohan 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 2 weeks ago 3

For our programming, we would really benefit from the ability to post recurring fees to a specific member group. We will manage our JSI programs via a member group and need to assign 100+ different recurring fees among our members, but can't filter by memberships with our setup.

Waiting on Votes

Electronic Voting

Administrative Director 2 years ago in Add-On Modules updated by Lindsay Benoit 1 week ago 6

Our Board of Directors was wondering if there are plans to implement an electronic voting module. Board elections and other member By-Laws issues are addressing with electronic voting. Since CourtReserve has detailed information on members including suspensions, current payments, etc., it would also be great to integrate electronic voting so we would not have to track these details in another program as well.

Waiting on Votes

Add a Loyalty Program with a Point tracking method for members so they can "earn" points each month.

Indoor Pickleball 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Tim Owens 2 weeks ago 3 2 duplicates

Loyalty Program-Point tracking method for members so they can "earn" points each month towards special privileges like guest passes, 24/7 access, etc.The purpose would be to build loyalty and increase participation. Similar to a hotel rewards program.