Help us make CourtReserve Better!

📢 We greatly value your innovative ideas. To enhance our platform, we're temporarily pausing the idea board submissions until September. During this period, we kindly invite you to share your thoughts/ideas via our live chat or at [email protected]. This change will help us prioritize your ideas better and craft the most efficient solutions for you.

We understand this is a change in process, but we believe it's the best way forward. We'll alert you as soon as the idea board is ready for your new submissions. Your continued partnership means a lot to us, and we're excited to continue delivering the best experience possible. Thank you!

Waiting on Votes

Is there a way to add tips to the POS system?

Kathie Patterson 2 years ago in Point of Sale / Inventory Management updated by Jeff Hagy 5 months ago 4
Waiting on Votes

Sales Reports by Court or by Scheduler

Jason Liu 2 years ago in Reports / Financial Reports updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 2 1 duplicate
Waiting on Votes

Favorites List for Players Adding Other Players

Lorraine Pascoe 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Amy Dalke 9 months ago 2
Waiting on Votes

Add the functionality to allow custom fields information to transfer when rescheduling registrants

Victoria Kelly 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Add the functionality to allow custom fields information to transfer when rescheduling registrants. Custom fields information does not transfer when rescheduling. It would be great if that would be a functionality of the system. 

Waiting on Votes

Show the CR clock on all pages/logins

Julie Maiorano 2 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by David Smith 1 year ago 4

It would be nice to have the CR clock show up on all pages.

Waiting on Votes

court utilization reports

Christy Howden 2 years ago in Reports / Court Utilization updated by Madeline Paler 1 year ago 2

It would be nice to run the utilization block by time.  To look at our regular hours 9am-9pm and exclude our early morning and late-night hours which we consider a bonus and don't staff for but skew the data to lower utilization.


Create and option to enter a start and end dates for membership suspenshions

Debbie Laramee 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1
Waiting on Votes

Option to set up member dashboard as default view for admins on mobile app

Irina Zhankov 2 years ago in Mobile App updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

It would be great if there was a way to have an option to default to member dashboard instead of admin dashboard for admins on mobile app. 


Remove or lock feature allowing multiple memberships at once

Deborah Symons 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Forge Hamu 1 year ago 3

Currently a person can be assigned both a family and individual membership at the same time.  Someone must want this feature, but for our facility it is causing issues.  Human Error, members are being given multiple memberships without an error message from CR causing members to be charge incorrectly.

I would like way to remove this option ( ie only one membership can be assigned to a person at a time) or CR provide an Error message (something like.. are you sure you want to assign this person two different memberships simultaneously) when an admin or sub-admin is using the system.



Transaction on member account views on app and website for POS sales should include the Items sold

Mark Bland 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Guillermo Ripoll-Brenot 2 years ago 2

When a member looks up their account on either the App or the website they can not see the detail of the POS sale unless an invoice is created in the system.  A lot of charge queries can be avoided by having a link to what was purchased or having a list of the items displayed in the transaction


Add a company name to member profile

Steven Burke 2 years ago in Schedulers updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

My idea is to add the company name to member profile. This would then display in the scheduler view(s) with the option to display the full name or the company name.

Waiting on Votes

bookings carry over past midnight. For running 24/7

Drew broderick 2 years ago in Schedulers updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

We run a 24/7 facility and would like for people to book anytime and have there booking carry over into the next day. currently if someone books there booking will automatically end at midnight, and this would allow someone to book the same bay after midnight. This would cause 2 courts to be booked at the same time. Even when we were not running 24/7 we were having issues with staying open past midnight on the weekends. 

Waiting on Votes

Scheduler display options

Wendy Vainer 2 years ago in Schedulers updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Allow the option to remove the # registrants from Events, as you do not always need registration for each events and this can confuse members.  And also the ability to add custom messages to reservations or events to be viewed by the members, with the ability to add hyperlinks to alternate sites, if necessary.

Waiting on Votes

Implement the option to give Book a Pro priority over Book a Court

Wendy Vainer 2 years ago in Instructors / Book a Pro updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Since the  Book a Pro scheduler is separate from the Book a Court Scheduler, it is possible for a member to override the lesson spot with a personal court booking.  It would be good to have the ability in the Book a Pro scheduler to have the option that the lessons override personal bookings, for a selected amount of time...i.e. protect the lesson time until 1 day before and then make it open for personal court bookings.


Add the ability to see who you are playing with onto the Calendar Feed.

Michael Caruso 2 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

The apple calendar feed does not indicate who you are playing with: just indicates Singles. So I either have to enter a simultaneous appointment (with the name of the other player) or go the CR to view the actual reservation.  


Event Registrants Custom Fields - Apply to multiple events

Rob Hill 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 2

When in Settings - Event Settings - Custom Fields, it would be great when creating or editing a field if there was a way to apply it to existing events.  It's super-tedious going through 96 events to add an Event Registrant textbox.

This should really be available for all places you can add to an event, such as event categories.  It would really speed up things for the admins.

Waiting on Votes

Folders in File Repo

Christine Duren 2 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Ability to create folders by category ex: Board reports, Ladders scoring, etc. to help organize and find files more easily

Waiting on Votes

Template emails

Lauren Casciano 2 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Create a place where template emails can be created and quickly accessed.

Waiting on Votes

Create an "Idea Board Software" like this that clubs can use for its own members

Jeremy Dyche 2 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 3 1 duplicate

This exact voting software could be very beneficial if applied to individual clubs. Make it an add on if needed, but imagine putting together ideas like this that members and communities could vote on in terms of what programs they want, what type of mixers, if they want round robins or if are looking for leagues, etc. Then as a club owner we could already see the numbers/interest and simple create the events. 

Waiting on Votes

Include instructor notes on notification email

Lauren Casciano 2 years ago in Instructors updated by Cheryl Golgart 2 years ago 2

When booking a lesson, it would be great for any notes written in the "Display Message for Schedulers" to be included in the confirmation email that is sent to the instructor. Or, it would be helpful to be able to add a message to the confirmation email in case there are special instructions. 

Waiting on Votes

Registration of Spares

Gail Kivela 2 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

The ability for players to register for any given event/league as a Spare.  I.e. an occasional player who is recruited to fill in for a rostered player who may not be available to play in an event/league in which they have registered.  This is not a wait listed player but rather an occasional player as required.  Currently a manual list of spares is created and maintained by the league convener and is made accessible to all players rostered for each given league. 


Allow registration to waitlist even if event not full

Lauren Casciano 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Nancy Row 1 year ago 2

Want to move a player into the waitlist of an event that already has people on the waitlist, but the event is not full (someone dropped, but no one from the waitlist took the spot yet). Get a message that event is not full. Option to override would be helpful (ie, option to register to the waitlist anyway).

In Review

Kiosk check-in page layout

Club Admin2 2 years ago in Check-In / Attendance Tracker updated by Alex Miler 3 months ago 3

It would be great if we could control the layout of the page that is displayed when a player scans in their QR code. We use a fairly small screen on the browser attached to the scanner, and it doesn't all fit into the available display area, especially if there are several reservations/events displayed for the player checking in. There is currently a lot of wasted space at the top of the page causing it to overflow.

Thank you.

Waiting on Votes

Include the Membership Agreement Signing Rule on the Sign-Up Form itself

Debra Russell 2 years ago in Add-On Modules / Waivers / Membership Agreements (add-on) updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

This will prevent people from being able to create any account without first signing the waiver. 

Waiting on Votes

Add "Display Message on Scheduler" as a Reservation Report output option

Tim Bowles 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1
Waiting on Votes

Add an option to the Membership Report to display each Family Member under a Family Membership

Club Admin2 2 years ago in Reports / Other Report updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Right now, Family Memberships do not display any of the names of the Family Members when run. We would like to have an option to see each Family Member on their own line under the Membership Report for Family Memberships.