Help us make CourtReserve Better!

📢 We greatly value your innovative ideas. To enhance our platform, we're temporarily pausing the idea board submissions until September. During this period, we kindly invite you to share your thoughts/ideas via our live chat or at [email protected]. This change will help us prioritize your ideas better and craft the most efficient solutions for you.

We understand this is a change in process, but we believe it's the best way forward. We'll alert you as soon as the idea board is ready for your new submissions. Your continued partnership means a lot to us, and we're excited to continue delivering the best experience possible. Thank you!

Waiting on Votes

Set # of participants for an event waitlist

Deborah Symons 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Paula Cartwright 1 year ago 3
Waiting on Votes

Expanded Scheduler – Display Monthly View

Steven Burke 2 years ago in Schedulers updated by Chuck Dougherty 2 years ago 2
Waiting on Votes

Setting to completely disable auto-refunds in the system

Debra Russell 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Filter events by age

Beata Waldek 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Change name of 'Create Account' button

Nicola Edwards 2 years ago in Any other Ideas / Suggestions 😁 updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Create an account doesn’t really explain accurately what it is for – For our situation, I would need it to say ‘Become a Member’ then it is very obvious, then we can hide the other ‘Become a Member’ link at the start of the header nav items to make more room!
To be able to edit the name to suit whichever industry would be super helpful

Waiting on Votes

Attendance Tracker - support for guests

Lake Club Administrator 2 years ago in Check-In / Attendance Tracker updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

In attendance tracker, we'd like the ability to track guest arrivals with members. For our club, members are allowed to bring guests, but there is an associated guest fee, so we'd like to include a count of # of adult guests and # of children guests associated with the member family attending the club. A simple numeric drop-down for the adult/children guest would work for us but the ability to add custom fields to the process would be really ideal.


Ability to protect web pages for "active" members only

Alex Miler 2 years ago in Website Builder updated by Irina Zhankov 1 year ago 2

Some of the web pages should be available just for active (paid) members while "un-visible" to inactive/suspended members. If this is available, you can build pages with info that is only available for active members.

In order to protect some of the web pages for active (paid) members only, there is a need to add one more option into Page builder beyond "All" and "Logged in" users. This will add one more level of granularity for building pages and allow, for example, entry code sharing or any other sensitive info that should only be available to active members.

Waiting on Votes

Ability to save a draft email

Katie M Westermann 2 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Courtney Jenkins 1 year ago 2

Often more than one person will collaborate or review email before sending to the club.  It would be helpful to be able to save an email as a draft.  


Preventing members from transferring their membership to others

Jeannette Loakman 2 years ago in Memberships updated by Lance Martin 2 years ago 3

Currently the system allows a member to update their name and personal details.

However we have come across a member who tried to give their membership to someone else - by changing name, gender AND date of birth.

This is problematic as we have strict rules on who gets to be a member (we have a substantial waitlist).

What we would like is to prevent members from updating their name on their record.  


Have a notification alert be sent to us if someone does a change like this.

Waiting on Votes

Mass Change Player Ratings

Doug Kozak 2 years ago in Player / Member Functionality updated by Chadwick Campbell 2 years ago 2

Have a way to mass change player ratings. Rather than going to an account, changing their rating and going to the next person. Develop a way so I can change multiple people at once. 

Waiting on Votes

Update event price in bulk

EBC Admin 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

It will be nice to have a way to update selected events' prices in bulk so we don't need to update them one by one.

Waiting on Votes

Events Withdrawal Notification

Raymond Latour 2 years ago in Notifications / Email / SMS updated by Tracy Hammond 1 year ago 2

There's a checkbox for Event Withdrawal Notice when a staff does it, not when the member does it.  

Since a notification when you register for an event can add it to your calendar, it seems appropriate a notification when you withdraw would be sent to remove it from the calendar.

Waiting on Votes

Membership Changes NOT updating Fees in Events/Reservations

Annette Moore 2 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Kevin Richards 2 years ago 2

We have basically 2 membership categories. First, a membership that pays no monthly/annual fees, just pays as they play - $10 to sign up for an event and $10 to make a reservation. Second, memberships that DO pay a monthly/annual fee (i.e. $50 a month) and this membership provides unlimited play for events/reservations. So what happen was, we had a person sign up for the $50 a month membership, and then just before it was to renew, they sign up for a number of events (30 days out) and reservations (7 days out), which were ALL free of charge because when they signed up for these it was based on the $50 membership. Instead of renewing the $50 monthly membership, they then cancelled their $50 monthly membership and went to a Guest (pay as you go), but the system did not update this member's event charge for those future events and reservations they had signed up for.  Therefore, instead of them being charged $10 for these events they attended while being under a Guest membership type, they were free of charge because they signed up for them while under the $50 monthly membership.

Waiting on Votes

No Shows- Percentage Tracking

John OBeirne 2 years ago in Reports updated by Tim Owens 2 years ago 1

Is there a way to "Track" No Shows and determine the overall Percentage Vacancy on any given Day/Month/Year?


Running Balance on All Transactions Page

Jeff Spiers 2 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated 2 years ago 2

Can we change the format of the All Transactions page under billing to show a running balance like banks statements have? Basically, there will be a column with the date, a column with the type of transaction and the transaction date if it occurs in the future, a column for the fee, a column for payments or refunds, and a running balance to show how much is owed or on credit after each transaction. It would look like this:

Payment or Refund
Account Balance
January 1
Opening Balance
January 10
2 Hours Doubles Booking - Jan 17
January 15
POS Purchase - Shoes
January 20
Private Lesson - January 27
January 31
Invoice Payment

The invoice page works fantastic but I truly believe that revamping the All Transaction page to look like the table above would vastly reduce the confusion from customers when it comes to explaining charges on their accounts.

Waiting on Votes

Guest Database in a Dropdown. So we don't have to type the same people over and over.

John OBeirne 2 years ago in Reservations updated by Lance Martin 2 years ago 5 1 duplicate

Guest Database in a Dropdown. So we don't have to type the same people over and over.


News on app

Sharon Voelzke 2 years ago in Mobile App updated by Mike King 2 years ago 2

Would be great to see the NEWS section that is visible on a desktop also through the APP.

Waiting on Votes

Re: Cancel Dates, The way you have “Cancels” setup- You have to “Delete” the Reservation to Create a “record” of a Cancelation for Reporting. I wonder if you would consider setting up a way of “Flagging” Cancelations (and No-Shows).

John OBeirne 3 years ago in Reports / New Report updated by Justin Harrell 2 years ago 2

Re: Cancel Dates,

The way you have “Cancels” setup- You have to “Delete” the Reservation to Create a “record” of a Cancelation for Reporting. I wonder if you would consider setting up a way of “Flagging” Cancelations (and No-Shows) without having to delete the Reservation? This is particularly important for Lessons. We can’t “track” Cancelations & No Shows for Lesson Reservations. More importantly, we can’t track them down to the “Pro” level. Some of our Pros are getting paid for all of these “No Shows” and “Late Cancels”. I have no way of quantifying how many Lessons are actually taught. I’ve got some Pros getting paid for 8 hours while only stepping on the court for 3 hours because of Late Cancels and No Shows. If there is something in CR, let me know.

Waiting on Votes

Member specific notes with identifier on scheduler view/when admin making a reservation

Emil Kamel 3 years ago in Schedulers updated by Cheryl Golgart 2 years ago 2

We would really benefit from being able to write down general notes about  a specific member.

(I.e. Has specific preferences, details of previous interactions, $$ owed from previous visit, "History of no-shows must take payment upfront" or other information that would allow the staff to better serve that member)

This would require a visible icon in the scheduler view that would show details of the note when staff hover of it. 

It would also be important to show these notes when staff are making a reservation for that member.


Have an option to make Lessons count towards Concurrent Reservation Restrictions

Doug Kozak 3 years ago in Instructors / Lessons updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

Have an option to make Lessons count towards Concurrent Reservation Restrictions


approvals for events- allow for comment-- such as conditional, test etc

Christy Howden 3 years ago in Events / Programming updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

Allow for a note when approving for events.  We have borderline players that we will sometimes allow in to see if they are ready and would like to include this is a trial, like how a comment can be ade when denying event approval

Waiting on Votes

Unused Hours Report

Doug Kozak 3 years ago in Reports / Court Utilization updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

I would love a report where I can find unused hours on selected dates, time, and courts. This would be helpful when implementing new programs, tournaments, ideas. etc.

Waiting on Votes

Email reminders to pay outstanding balance

Club Admin2 3 years ago in Transactions/Financials updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 1

There should be an easy way to email reminders to members who have an outstanding balance and unpaid fees (of any sort) older than X days.

Waiting on Votes

Ability to Process Refunds from the Admin Mobile App

Tim Owens 3 years ago in Mobile App updated 3 years ago 1
Waiting on Votes

Add Sales Summary to the Mobile App

Scott Schreier 3 years ago in Mobile App updated by Tim Owens 3 years ago 2

Add the ability to run reports like SALES SUMMARY

Waiting on Votes

Contract Time

Tim Owens 3 years ago in Add-On Modules updated 3 years ago 1

Ability to set up Contract Time easier with the ability to set the % based on the time played as well as the payment plan details.

Waiting on Votes

Create sub admin templates with permissions that propagate to all sub admins assigned to that template

Currently we can copy sub admin settings for a new sub admin, but once created, we need to update each sub admin individually to add a new permission for each of them.  It would be nice if we could have a template sub admin permissions for monitors/club stewarts vs pros, etc. and then all admins assigned to that template would at a minimum get those permissions.  If we update the permissions in the template, it automatically propagates to every admin so we don't have to update one by one.  Individual admins could still be assigned additional permissions on top of what is in the template.